Dog Busters - Disaster Animal Rescue

Originally started with stories and photos from rescuing animals in New Orleans after Katrina hit.... and then some of the efforts still going on years later, and new disasters. You are welcome to email me with questions etc. - griffinsgallery at verizon

Monday, January 01, 2007

NOLA TNR details... and Money?

Help Support the Upcoming Large-Scale Feline TNR Program for Greater New Orleans

If you are looking for a last-minute tax deduction and would like to help support the upcoming large-scale feline Trap-Neuter-Release program in the greater New Orleans area, you can donate to Best Friends Animal Society and earmark your donation for the "New Orleans TNR Program - attention Francis Battista":

To donate online: <-- I'm not sure if there is a place on the online form to specify where you want your donation to go, so just look for somewhere to include this info: "For New Orleans TNR Program - attention Francis Battista." If you can't find a place to include that information on the online form, then send an email to: and list your name, the dollar amount that you donated, and the date of your donation, and that you would like it to go to the "New Orleans TNR Program - attention Francis Battista." Keep a copy of your email for your records. I'll make sure they know the money is to be earmarked for the TNR Program.

To donate by mail or fax, print out this form and fax or mail your donation: <-- Please note there is no box on the form to specify where you want the donation to go, so please write on the form somewhere, AND on your check: "For New Orleans TNR Program - attention Francis Battista." Keep a copy of the form for your records.

If you haven't heard the details of the program yet, goals include:

Large-scale feline trap, spay/neuter, and release program for the greater New Orleans area, including Parishes of Orleans, St. Bernard, and Plaquemines.
10 full-time trappers, each trapping 10 cats/day x 5 days/week
Team goal of 100 cats/day, 500 cats/week
Total program goal of 8,000-10,000 cats over 4-month period
Program to run from end of January through May 2007.

This program is intended to help reduce the number of kittens that would otherwise be born this spring and subsequent breeding cycles, so that the animals and the local animal community are better able to sustain themselves under the existing, post-Katrina environment and circumstances.

Please help support the TNR Program - any and all monetary donations will help and are appreciated!

Thank you, and HAPPY NEW YEAR !!


Blogger dorei said...

Rachel -- never thought I'd find you online. Funny what happens when you do a google search on old friends. We went to Westtown together. If you want to drop me a line to play "catch up" right before my *gulp* 20th reunion, feel free.

dorei dot me at gmail dot com.


6:21 PM  

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