The Bitch in Heat I pimped
Petfinder Page on this dog.
So we were around Jackson St. This became one of my favorite areas. It was pretty much a straight shot off of Claiborne, down Jackson to "Hound Zero" at Magazine and Felicity. I believe Lynda M., Shelby and I were working together. Someone spotted dogs around Josephine and Robertson. Neighbors reported many dogs in the area. Lynda and Shelby spoted some going between some houses. I climbed over a very tall iron gate to get into the back area. Leash and a can of wet food in hand I zipped around the back to ensure that the dogs they spotted didn't slip out the back, when I almost ran into a beautiful gray and tan brindle pit! Ok, I love Rottweiler's and have no fear of them, but some of the pits around New Orleans made me extra cautious. She didn't seem to be running. She just layed there. I didn't have my pole with me, so I just reached into the wet dog food and offered her some. To my surprise she took it. Next handful I had the leash looped around my hand so I could lead her head into it as she went for the food the second time. No problem, but she was cautious and eyeing me up. I lead her around to the front where Lynda and Shelby were. A large cast iron gate blocked me. We had to find a way out. The back was open but I didn't want to go all the way around. Shelby checked a few door and found an exit. When we began to load her in the crate and into the car someone mentioned, "Hey she is in heat!" Just yesterday I mention, wouldn't it be great if we had a dog in heat, then we could easily catch some of these dogs.
Well it didn't turn out to be that easy, but I did pimp her around the area the next two days. More on that later....
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