Mt. Era Baptist Church Shepherds
Petfinder page on the White Shepherd.
Petfinder page on Male Shepherd.
These two dogs are probably the reason why I decided to start a
blog. Petfinder has BF2191 listed as a male. I remember it as a
female, who was bonded with BF2189. I remember we followed a number
of dogs in the area of Derbigney and Third, these two stuck together
very closely. When we started to follow the pack, most of them split
up, but these two ran to the church. One ducked in, the other went
on. One rule about chasing dog packs. Take the one you can get and
focus on it. You can get the others later. They tend to hang around
the same area, usually an open space like a school yard. Then during
the day they run back to their dens which are certain houses they
have chosen to hide under. Many times they will have a few dens in
the area, but will stay in a certain area. I have followed dogs and
watch both male and females make their territory as they go along. I
would guess their area is about an 8 block radius. Usually not
crossing a major roads. The ones that I have seen cross major road
look to me to be more feral. My last November team (Troy, Kristen,
Chuck and Cadi) in November decided for the most part, not follow
them across major roads, for it was too dangerous for the dog in the
heavier traffic. So my question to the team is? Was the whiter
German Shepherd that we caught under the church a male or female?
Now there is sweet story about these two Shepherds. They helped us
find a third dog! We had caught the whitish one first earlier in the
day, but the other one got away. We really wanted to catch the male,
more traditional looking shepherd, who we had seen with the white
one, so we went pack that evening. (Or was it the next evening? Did
they get shipped together? I believe Laura and Anne were there,
along with Troy, Kristen and Chuck.) We blocked off the church. We
knew exactly where to block it and with what, for we had already done
it once. Troy went underneath to pole the dog. I went to the left
side, for we hadn't really check the back left for you could not walk
straight though on that side, but the dog could go through underneath
the house and possible out. I crawled under and popped up on the
back edge. The fence seemed to be as we assumed, complete with no
way out. Good. Too the left, I noticed a shadow that was in that
familiar shape of a sleeping dog. It was probably debris, but you
never know. I shined my flashlight on it. Yup it was a little black
dog sleeping under the steps of the neighboring apartment building.
Shit! I couldn't get to it. This fence was at least 8 feet high.
Troy had the Shepherd under the church, under control. "Chuck!" I
yelled. He was the closest one to me. "There is a dog on the other
side of the fence, under the steps. If you come around the back I
don't think he has a way out. He is sort of in a pit." Chuck came
to the rescue. Pole in hand, he made the catch look the dog was his
pet. The dog was mellow, a little surprised and began to bolt, but
Chuck had him already. In Chuck's word's, "The dog then jump up this
four foot wall and lead me out!"
I haven't found this little black dog on Petfinder. Chuck can you
find him/her? She/he was probably listed the same day as the Shepherds.
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