Dark Water Rising Video...
THE TRAILER: http://darkwaterrising.com/trailer.html
My Review of Dark Water Rising - Rachel McKay Laskowski
This video is a shares basic coverage of the HSUS Lamar-Dixon site. It shares explicit coverage of the Winn-Dixie site, and some of the rescuers attitudes and opinions. There is GRAPHIC footage of animals who were left behind and didn’t make it, along with graphic disturbing footage of the St. Bernard Parish school shootings.
This film is in no way complete, but is an excellent glimpse of some of the work that was done in New Orleans. The filming appears to have ended in November. Volume Two should include more about the politics that was prohibiting groups and individuals from saving animals. More about the puppy explosion and continued efforts after November, especially ARNO & Best Friends work in January and February. There was no mention of Muttshack, and the locals who are still there today, or of the local shelter over population and low adoption rate that is current. No mention of the kitten explosion currently happening (April/June 2006) or really anything about the cats, and why cats weren’t really picked up, in the film at all.
I found it personally very interesting to see the comments made by a Winn-Dixie person saying something to the effect of, “Someone should do a survey of how many people lost their jobs because they were doing Animal Rescue.” Yes, but the survey should be broader than that, for many people got divorced, lost businesses, or had to sell major assets because their hearts wouldn’t allow them to leave, or kept calling them to return. I also found the personal follow-ups to be similar in the ARNO group I worked with, where it took many of us about a month of decompressing after our experience to function in the “real world” again. Further more many ARNO/Best Friends people are continuing and expanding their training, planning for the next disaster.
I would recommend anyone interested in the animal rescue efforts in New Orleans view this video, but with the caveat that they be aware, that this is only a glimpse into the whole Gulf animal rescue situation. There were other areas and other smaller groups working in the affected region. And if you are inspired, there are still volunteer opportunities today.
So if you hesitate spending $25, don’t hesitate. Instead of going out to dinner at that restaurant, boil some water and throw some spaghetti in the pot. Be thankful you have electricity and water to do that. Put the dogs out, for the barking on the video may disturb them, and don’t hug them too tightly when the video is over.
TO ORDER THE DVD: http://www.filmbaby.com/product_info.php?products_id=997
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