Two nights ago Alex, Chuck and I went out to help Trixy & Isabell. They had a mother and her pups under a house. We slithered under into the sandy mud and there was mom. We cornered her, but she really didn't want to be taken. She darted past us. We slithered through the puddles and mud to the other corner of the house, and tried again. This time she ended up charging Alex and biting his gloved hand. So we went to the first end of the house again, where the pups were, and she was there. This time she ran through the pups to get away from us. We decided at this point to removed the puppies first. With the puppies removed we slithered to the other side of the building, and couldn't find her. We searched even the impossible spots. Still nothing. She must have gotten out while we were handling the pups.
At this point when Alex and I came out from underneath the house covered in mud. My hair had sandy dreadlocks, and the three on the outside just exclaimed, "Oh my God." They stripped Alex and I and threw blankets over us. The wind on the wet clothing was biting cold. Alex and I jumped into Chuck heated Jeep and let the others arrange the rest that needed to be done. The pups we determined were too young to take. They were walking but still had their rolly polly legs and did not have fully developed teeth. Trixy and Isabell had a dog trap, so we put the pups in a crate at the end of the trap and covered it all up. The pups were on a nice soft blanket now, in a much better situation that the muddy den. Trixy and Isabel stayed the night with the trap. Checking it now and then. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Then in the morning when Isabel went out to check it, there she came. She ran right up behind Isabel and plopped down. "I give up!" Isabel had been the one feeding her for weeks. She must have known she would be in safe hands. Mom and pups are now safe at Celebration Station.
Last night I spent the evening looking for the dog that escaped from Celebration Station. Apparently she slipped through the window of the intake / shot room. She is pregnant. Her mate is here at Celebration Station. She has been spotted and seems to be hanging around. Don has made it his mission to get her. I hope he does before she tries to cross the highway again and get hit.
Tonight I will be in Miami, visiting my husband. It will be good to get a break for the weekend from the whole scene. There is always odd tensions about something. People who think they need or deserve some certain right over another, and don't want to compromise. Everyone there has some sort of stress they are dealing with. The trappers work around the clock, are always tired, and finally are getting food held for them. Due to our strange hours we rarely got any dinner. The Puppy people don't have enough people to care and feed all the puppies. The Intake people are upset about people walking through the only lower back door. (All the campers and trappers are out back.) Food and Water only has about 5 -7 people out feeding each day. There is no cat trapper coordinator on site. Jane is doing that from afar. Jessica the dog trapper coordinator wants to move over to food and water, for food and water will be moving to a warehouse eventually. But then there is the problem that LASPCA may want to shut that down. Volunteers are always on short supply. We could use a cook and grounds person. People cleaned up yesterday because Extreme Home Makeover came in to do a reunion story. I have to say it was soooo staged I was disappointed. All bodies were requested to be there at 4 pm to be a crowd cheering and nothing happened until the late evening (8-9). Prime dog spotting time. So a break is in order for me before I get really grumpy.
Barb left on the 17th. Alex left this morning. Barb will be back on the 31st! YEAH! Lindsey has to organize her life a little, and then hopes to come back. Alex may have to quit his job to come back. Chuck and Lindsey are doing a transport up to Pittsburgh. Lindsey lives in Harrisburg, so that works well for her, and since I am not here, Chuck has no one to go out with to do doggie extractions. So that is things in a nutshell! -Rachel